
作者:PaperPP  发布时间:2020-05-27 15:56:07


1.Sample Outline for Term Paper


🔸 Identify and explain the subject

🔸 State your reaction to the subject


·Did you change your mind?

·Did the subject meet your expectations?

·What did you learn?

🔸 Thesis statement

Body paragraph

Body paragraph 1

Topic Sentence

🔸Supporting evidence 1

🔸Supporting evidence 2

🔸Supporting evidence 3

Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence

🔸Supporting evidence 1

🔸Supporting evidence 2

🔸Supporting evidence 3

Body Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence

🔸Supporting evidence 1

🔸Supporting evidence 2

🔸Supporting evidence 3


🔸Recap thesis statement

🔸Recap paragraph1

🔸Recap Paragraph 2

🔸Recap Paragraph 3

🔸Conclusion statement


2.Scientific report类型论文

Short (three-quarters of a page) description of the paper describes what the issue or problem is, why it is important or interesting, and your findings.


🔸What is the issue or problem?

🔸Literature review: what is current thinking findings, and approaches on the problem?

🔸What is the significance of the problem?

🔸How do you plan to deal with the problem? What is your solution?


🔸How did you search for information or data on the topic?

🔸What is your impression of the utility,relevance, or quality of the data you collected?

🔸What special steps did you take to select or utilize the data?


🔸What are your findings?

🔸Are their problems with your findings in terms of answering the questions posed in the introduction?

🔸Are their problems with your findings in terms of answering the questions posed in the introduction?


🔸What do your observations mean?

🔸Summarize the most important findings.

🔸What conclusions can you draw?

🔸How do your results fit into a broader context?



This is the overall purpose or thesis statement. It is used to acquaint anyone reading the paper with the argument being explored.


This section is typically divided into multiple headings and subheadings, each linked with various components of the topic.

-Heading One: History of the argument

-Heading Two: Extent of the problem being explored

-Heading Three: Effects of the problem being explored

Heading Four

Potential solutions

Conclusion: Summary of all of the points made and a response to the thesis statement

4.cause effect 论文结构

Outline 1

先按照要点陈述所有的原因,加一小段进行过渡,接着陈述原因所对应的结果,最后进行 Evaluation和总结。

Brief outline:

-Introduction(which introduces the situation to the reader)



-Transition paragraph





Outline 2

这种 ouline是将原因和对应的结果放在一起考虑,并写为一段,罗列两三段以后,进行 evaluation和总结。

Brief outline:







两种 outline没有特别明显的差别,可以根据大家在论文写作中的喜好决定,希望大家在留学论文中能够灵活运用。




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